Not much going on today. Shelley “packed” yesterday. She was starting to get jumpy and needed to do something. I too am getting jumpy. I just want to GET ON WITH IT!
Author: Ian
7 More Sleeps
Today we’re finishing up some RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan) stuff that needs to be done before the end of the year. And Shelley is going for chest x-rays. She (and Dylan) have had a cough for 2 months now and the doctor is being extra careful since we’re leaving the country. They’ve both been…
8 More Sleeps
Good grief! I let an entire month go by and the page fell apart. Apparently the software doesn’t like it when you skip an entire month. The countdown has gone on in our house for the last two months, but we’re finally down to one week left until we leave for New Zealand. The kids…
New Zealand Calendar
I updated our family calendar to show what we will be doing in New Zealand, but only the stuff we need to keep track of. For example, from December 15th to the January 1st we will be staying at Scott and Leigh’s on the South Island and will just be taking day trips and perhaps…
Wound Update
Dylan and Shelley just got home from the hospital. He needed three (THAT’S RIGHT, THREE) stitches. He’s fine.