Well what a jolly fine weekend this has been. Leigh and I got busy and dug over the veggie garden on Saturday. The improved soil tilth is noticable as the clay is being mitigated with some good old humus. We covered the whole thing a foot deep in pea straw to act as a mulch….
Author: Scott
Leigh is Back
Well team, its spring down here in the far south …. early spring but the daffodils are starting to come up, there is duck sex on the pond and well it just smells of spring. Ahhhhhhh another crushing (wink) winter survived. Leigh has also returned from her pan-USA trip. She fell in love with the…
Sick and tired In New Zealand
Hi ya team. As the title suggests I’ve been sick again. My third cold in three months so I’ve been doing something wrong. This cold settled not in my head but rather in my chest and throat, lots of fever, coughing blah blah. Today is the frist day I feel well enought to be up…
Well Ian is right I’ve been a bit lazy …… Okay the the firstkey things going on right now are that Leigh and Sam are getting ready for their USA trip. Sam will have 2.5 week and leigh closer to 5 in the US. They are splitting it abut half and half in Claifornia and…
Life at Maple Hill
Just a little update as we head into fall and start getting ready for the winter ahead. We had (well still are having) a great saffron year. The proper raised beds and good horse poo added last year mean we proably had between 400- 500 flowers so maybe 1500 to 2000 threads. Its probably worth…