We had a nice early Christmas at my folks place tonight. Sue, Len and Zenya were there too. Both the boys opened some presents specifically aimed at making the L.A. to Auckland flight a little more bearable. Quinn got a Game Boy Advance SP and three games. He’s beside himself! Dylan got an MP3 player and extra memery for about 5 hours of music. Probably longer than the batteries will last!
My parents gave Shelley and I a (quite generous) cash injection to make the trip a little more comfortable. Very nice! Our plan is to spend our money DOING rather than sleeping or eating, so that means we can DO MORE! Yay!
I think we’re all packed today. There won’t be alot of time on Monday for anything and I have some last minute Christmas shopping to do. Of course I’m going to work and the kids are going to school so it’ll be a regular day!