Well its been a year now since Dad died. A couple of weeks ago I asked you guys about what sort of rituals that you might be thinking of to remember the bald one. In a funny way being way down at the end of the world, the sunny warm summery end of the world, makes me feel a long long way away and I miss him a great deal. So being a ritual guy myself, I have tried out a couple of things :
1. Ate Chinese take away last night (combination fried rice)
2. Toasted him with a rye and ginger
3. Tonight Leigh and I will go out to honest Lawyer (and have another rye)
If the weather is good I may try out going for a gold panning trip up in the hills tomorrow. Mom has gone and visited Dad and then going to a play by one of his favorite authors, Terry is gonna chip rocks (wear eye protection mate) and then have a rye ….. what about the rest of you?
I brough a small portion of Dad’s ashes back to NZ with me thinking I would spread them off the deck. I’ve decided that I might hang onto them for a little longer. I might even make a little rimu box for them to be in.
Last night I sat in front of the TV, watched sports, complained and drank a couple Rye and Gingers. That was about the extent of what he liked to do at our house. Not complaining! Just telling it like it was! 😉
Honestly, I don’t think it was all that gratifying to me. I would have liked to do something with a little more meaning, but couldn’t really come up with anything.
I miss him a lot too.
Well maybe you and I can think of something. I did spend a lot of time going over the things Iremember most. I talked a bit with friends and Leigh. If I was in Calgary I’d have gone out tot he cemetary and spent time with Mom. Mostly I just remembered.
What is your favorite memory ??
I’m having trouble pin pointing a specific favourite. Alot of my favourites are from when we were growing up…
The day he came home without a beard and I didn’t recognize him.
Going to the Yukon.
Simple stuff, like sipping his beer in the backyard while we listened to football.
The thing I definately miss the most is having another engineer around I could bounce ideas off, home repair posers, and brag to a little bit when something at work went particularly well.
Just a whole bunch of little things really….