Well, we’re back to the brown, cold, icky, dark place that is Calgary. Okay, it’s not that bad, but the weather was pretty nice in Puerto Vallatra, we did have a few cloudy days, but even then the temperature was a good 27C and it was nice and humid. I can take that!
Some of the highlights:
- Swimming with the Dolphins: I didn’t do this personally, but the other four vacationers did. I was photographing the scene! They start off by getting in the water and having the dolphins swim around them and slowly they raise the interaction. By the end of the alloted time they were getting rides with the dolphins. The grin on Quinn’s face said it all. Thanks Grandma Shirley! I’ll get some pictures up on the web soon.
- Day Trip to Yalapa:This was not a bad trip, but we found the actual town of Yalapa a little over-rated. There was a waterfall, but nothing we don’t have an hour away in Banff….you know? Still, we did get a small amount of snorkelling in and the high point (in my mind) was the wildlife. As we were heading out, we came through a pod of dolphins that swam under the bow of the boat for a good 20 minutes. It was very cool. We also saw a few BIG whales. Not from very close, but we did see them! There were also a couple big manta rays swimming just under the surface of the water, you could just see a “disturbed” part of the water and every now and then the tip of a wing would come out of the water. These guys were 10 feet accross at least.
Another kinda cool thing on the last morning from the balconey of our hotel room were the famous “Flying Mobulas of the Sea of Cortez”. These are manta rays that jump out of the water, seemingly for fun. I have video to back up my claims too!
We did the requisite shopping and came back with more than enough little nick-nacks and hats. I think the kids really liked the idea of bartering. Dylan was amazed when I got the price for my hat down from 320 pesos ($32.00 USD) to 120 pesos. I didn’t even try that hard. I think they really want to hit the tourists for which it’s their first day. They have no idea what things cost. Easy targets.
Anyway, a good time was had by all I think and we’re back home now.