I just thought I’d drop a quick note to say I’m mending well after the smash. We’ve replaced the pug with a european Ford Focus “zetec” that is the sport model., its a fine little car.
After being very very tired, a little sore and stiff (and finding it hard to concentrate) I’m back!! Terry and Mom were right about the neck and I’m getting some attention on that (that seems to be helping). The whole thing took much longer than I expected to get better.
This has put me behind onthe bees. My queen guy let me down and we’re 3 weeks or more behind in requeening. I’m due to pick up about half the queens I need (price this year $20 cash per marked queen) tonight with more to come over the next week. I have also put honey boxes onto 2 of 4 hives to give more space. My observation is that with all the wild hives gone (due to varroa) there is just more nectar about for my bees. I hope to have all the requeening done and 2 hives moved to Ruby Bay by the end of the week.