Well, the good life and a lack of real stress have caught up with me again, and I’m not liking what I’m seeing in the mirror — never mind snoring (I actually suspect Apnea because I wake up very tired) and the health implications.
So, I’m back to cutting down. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not that far over-weight, but I AM over-weight for sure — I’m not a small person!
It’s going to go like this. I’m starting with 4-5 days of intense calorie reduction — 600-900 calories a day. This is just to get “kicked off”, get the body into a weight loss mode and shed the extra fluids that have been hanging around. In 4 days, I’m down 7 pounds. Yes, I’m well aware that none of that is fat loss, just fluids. After a couple more days I’ll start to bring the calories back up to a more “normal” level of around 1500 a day. At that rate I should be capable of losing close to a pound a week with the initial goal of getting to 200 lbs by Christmas.
I, however, am not viewing this as “dieting” as much as I view this as a lifestyle change and I have no misconceptions about avoiding all the food I love, but this has to happen. I just didn’t like where I was any more. As my energy level comes back up, I’ll be trying to get into the routine of getting more excersize as well, which should speed things up.
Not being sure who exactly “you” are, I’m not sure if you care. This journal, however, is for me. By making a public statement, I’m hoping to keep my conviction, and not waste the pain (and the dreaming of food!) of the last couple days, and to make this “stick”. It’s about time.
[Edit: if you want to keep track, I’m posting my weight and a graph (click on my current weight) on the left hand side over there. I should be updating roughly daily]
I’m watching you, Ian….I’m not sure purge and starve is reasonable, but you go boy…it’s way better than I’m doing.