Well, the new year has finally swung around the globe to Western Canada (only about 14 hours ago) so I thought I’d send the standard greeting. We tied one on pretty good last night and the house is a disaster. We just had a few of the neighbours over, but we seemed to have used…
Running Back to Saskatoon
Just like the song, we’re heading back to Saskatoon for a week in the morning. We haven’t been there for Christmas in MANY years due to life events at home. (Babies, Warren’s ordeal, etc) so we’re WELL over due. I will keep up to date on the blog should anything happen, but I’m anticipating a…
Yes, the squid blog was down…
I’ve become a little bored with it of late so took it down to see if anyone would notice. Shelley and Joan have chimed in wondering where it was. Not sure what to do now. Let it die quietly? Keep it up? Change it? Add something? Remove something? I dunno. Ideas from the community (All…
Interesting Story…
Out of the blue on Tuesday I got a phone call from Canadian Blood Services. The story goes like this: A little over 10 years ago, a friend of Dylan’s was diagnosed with a blood disorder that required a bone marrow transplant. The elementary school held a clinic, where people could get “typed” to see…
Long Live the Queen
I picked up five new queen bees last night. Two will go to my mate Brian and three willl go into my hives on Friday. I’ve take a few pictures (of the two I have at the office) and will post them if they turn out okay. So this will set up the hives for…